Balearic Milky Way, June 2022, Ibiza -
Core of the Galaxy with Sagittarius Region with Trifid Nebula (Messier 20), Lagoon Nebula (Messier 8), June 2023, Zürich -
The core of the Milky Way with a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, July 2020, Greifensee, Switzerland -
Center of the galaxy with Jupiter, July 2020, Greifensee, Switzerland -
Milky Way, Alpine Astro Village Luzein, Prättigau, Switzerland -
Winter Milky Way over the Prättigau, Alpine Astro Village Luzein, Prättigau, Switzerland -
Milky Way at La Sardina Loca, June 2018, Ibiza -
Milky Way on August 20th 2017, Madras, OR -
Balearic Milky Way premiere, July 2013, Cala Vadella Ibiza -
Winter Milky Way, October 2011, Saint-Euphrône, France -
Star Trails, September 2015, Zürich -
Milky Way at La Sardina Loca, August 2015, Ibiza -
Balearic Milky Way, June 2018, Ibiza Cala Vadella